Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Like a Rolling Stone. Ops, JDBC API

At this moment, I'm working in framework basis, to create a similar JDBC API approach to work with Mappers (aka databases flavors), Finders (aka Statements) and Connectors (aka Connections).

But, queries into specific repositories (like Jira, EA, Excel, Rose, Mantis and so) does not support sugars like SQL ANSI 92.

So, I need to use another techniques.

One of them is Java Generics. However, I am not an expert, and still have to use some SupressWarnings on pieces like this:

public < T> T createFinder(Class< ? extends T> finderType) {
  return (T) new EaFinder(this);

I hope to improve these code fragments, and have a complete refactoring even this week.

In coming days, I will return to the Element part, which represents the wrappers for objects in each repository (aka usecase, Issues, etc.)

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